MyReceptivaTM Test Information
Learn more about the test, successful collection procedures and how to understand your results.
Frequently Asked Questions
Talk To Your Healthcare Provider
To help you speak with your healthcare provider about MyReceptivaTM testing, please download this document and bring it with you on your next visit.
Understanding Your Results
Identifying uterine lining inflammation is the most powerful tool available for the detection of endometriosis. Only laparoscopic surgery to diagnose endometriosis has been proven to be more effective.
BCL6 Positive Result
If your BCL6 results are positive, you have a 90% or greater chance that endometriosis is present and confirmable via laparoscopy.*
A positive MyReceptivaTM result indicates the likelihood that endometriosis will be found via surgery. The positive result helps justify the need for surgery in patients with previously undiagnosed pain. For women with fertility issues, various treatment options such as hormone suppression can also be considered to provide new pathways to pregnancy.
BCL6 Negative Result
If your BCL6 results are negative, you have less than 7% chance that endometriosis will be found via laparoscopy.
A negative MyReceptivaTM test result provides assurance that endometriosis is unlikely to be the cause of undiagnosed pain. For fertility patients, a negative result provides assurance that the uterine lining is receptive and not the likely cause of fertility issues.
Please note: The MyReceptivaTM test is a detection tool and should not be used for diagnostic confirmation. The test detects the presence of the BCL6 protein, a marker of inflammation proven to be highly associated with endometriosis. Providers are encouraged to refer patients for further evaluation to a qualified gynecologic surgeon specializing in endometriosis.
*References: 1. Endometrial BCL6 overexpression in Eutopic endometrium of women with endometriosis, Evans Hoeker et al., Reproductive Science Sep 2016 2. BCL-6 Overexpression as a Predictor for Endometriosis in Patients Undergoing In Vitro Fertilization. Journal of the society of laparoscopic and robotic surgeons,, C Nezhat, et al. Oct. 2020 3. Positive Predictive Value of Endometiral BCL6 overexpression in patients with Pathology confirmed endometriosis. Rambhatla et al., F&S Apr 2020
What Is Included When You Get Your Results
Your pathology report will provide you with a detailed analysis of your results. The report will include:
Find a Specialist
There are many specialists that can assist in your follow-up. Your regular doctor can make recommendations for local or regional endometriosis specialists. In addition, the following articles and resources are available through these trusted organizations and can further help you identify experts in your metro area or region of the US.

Biopsy Collection Information for Patients and Providers
The MyReceptivaTM test is based on a timed biopsy 7 to 10 days following the detection of ovulation. For your convenience, every MyReceptivaTM Test Kit order comes with a complimentary home use Ovulation Kit. Once ovulation is detected, your biopsy window opens up 7 to 10 days later. For example, if you detect ovulation with the kit on a Monday, your biopsy window opens the following Monday for 4 days.
Call your provider upon ovulation detection to schedule your biopsy. And don’t forget to bring your collection kit, as most provider offices do not routinely stock the MyReceptivaTM Kit in their office. For further assistance, please download and print these detailed instructions (PDF, opens in a new tab):
Take charge of your health.
Endometriosis affects an estimated 2 to 10% of American women between the ages of 25 and 40, which is why we’re determined to help provide answers and solutions. Millions of women have suffered from endometriosis and have been able to find solutions.
We are here to help.